A look back at our 2024 Convening

 The 2024 Convening Report is now available

In March of this year, nearly 70 leaders from 40 data-driven policy organizations gathered in Tempe, Arizona for the second annual States for the Future In-Person Convening. This convening was an opportunity for learning, collaboration and sharing of resources among nonpartisan, non profit organizations that are leading with data and research to drive state policy conversations.

Over the course of three days, participating organizations engaged in interactive discussions, heard from experts in plenary and breakout settings, and connected with like-minded colleagues from other states during networking events and meals. Attendees and speakers included organizations working at the state-level to advance data-driven policy in their states, national advocacy groups, philanthropic leaders, university researchers, and representatives from business and economic development entities. 

For those that were not able to join us in person, our 2024 Convening Report provides an overview of the event and attendees, a summary of what is next for the States for the Future network, as well as key takeaways and materials from over a dozen plenary and breakout sessions. 

We intend for this report to serve as a resource for organizations that are looking for practical strategies for developing policy solutions, building coalitions, and implementing data-driven policy in their states. 

If you have questions about any of our sessions, please reach out at info@statesforthefuture.org
To stay up to date and get involved,  join our mailing list, follow us on LinkedIn, or register to attend one of our Monthly Virtual Discussions.

How we came to be

In January 2023, a group of like-minded organizations and thinkers from across the nation gathered in Dallas, Texas to explore the creation of a multi-state network that would collaborate to advance the use of data and research to inform state policy. The goal of the convening was to build shared knowledge of efforts already underway in the participating states and to conceptualize how a network might contribute value to individual and collective work.

In March 2023, a volunteer working group launched with the purpose of developing the operating model and governance structure for what would become States for the Future. This working group was composed of attendees from the January convening and collaborated monthly to design and develop a shared vision for the Network’s values and activities. 

Starting the Fall of 2023, States for the Future continues this journey, inviting organizations from across the nation to gather, learn from one another, and collectively build our capacity to use data and research to drive state policy. 

We strive to be a community garage that collectively crafts solutions

We envision States for the Future as a “Community Garage” for data-driven policy, where members with varying levels of experience, capacity, and interest come together around their common goals and have a shared space for learning, collaboration, and resource sharing. 

  • Learning: Offer virtual and in-person learning opportunities like an annual convening, webinars, and discussion series to learn from one another and other experts.
  • Collaboration: Foster a network of organizations to work together to strengthen each other’s efforts by sharing information, resources, and expertise. Through collaboration, our network is a force multiplier for our work in our individual states.
  • Resource Sharing: Develop and contribute to our shared resources and tools to empower members in their respective domains. Members can leverage the Network’s Data Platform to explore and visualize indicators across states and policy areas.

Empowering states for a resilient future: uniting data, research, and action

As labs of democracy, states are leading the way in creating policies that impact the lives of their citizens and respond to a rapidly changing world. States for the Future believes that by using trusted data and research to inform policymaking, our individual states can develop solutions that lead to better outcomes for our residents, and ultimately our nation as a whole. By working together, we aim to learn from one another, build on each other’s work, and drive greater demand for evidence-based policymaking. Together, we leverage the power of data and research in policy-making to create sustainable futures.

Join us on our journey

We invite you to explore our website and data platform and keep an eye out for monthly opportunities to gather virtually and hear from one another. States for the Future is also planning an in-person convening in early 2024 with details to be released soon.

Have questions or want to get involved? Contact us at info@statesforthefuture.org